are we F*ckeD in this era of
dating on the apps???
Every other Wednesday, Sean "Seany-Doo" Williams and a special guest, discuss the complicated world of dating, life situations, and the many factors that make us, "us." Join Sean and his guests as they unpack listener-submitted dating, relationship, and life situations/questions.
Have a dating, relationship, or life situation you want Sean and his guests to unpack? SUBMIT YOUR STORIES/QUESTIONS HERE→ Your anonymous submission will be featured in an episode.
HOST: Sean "Seany-Doo" Williams
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In this episode, Sean and special guest/Ballet Dancer, Instructor & Artist, Melodye Sweetin (IG: @melodyesweetin) discuss how the dating scene has changed over the decades and Melodye shares her experience as a professional ballet dancer and performer. They also unpack a listener submission about normalizing “taboo” sensual experiences in your 50s+
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